So i started reading what my condition could possibly be. Since it was peeling endlessly, I thought could it possibly be eczema? I did a Google search of eczema images, turned out they look very similar to my condition. That's when I realized there is actually lip eczema - that you can have eczema on the lips. I kept on reading for what can trigger lip eczema. Some include:
- cosmetics
- toothpaste
- extreme weather conditions (too hot or too cold)
- food
Then that summer we went to Camiguin Island, did some island hopping and of course snorkeling. My lips felt bad the day after, and worse as days went on. Turns out, saltwater can aggravate lip eczema too. I kept on using Carmex, until I read somewhere that Carmex shouldn't be used for a long time. I forgot why. Maybe you can just do your own research about it.
Anyway, I read that unfortunately, lip eczema has no cure. All you can do is avoid irritants so you don't have flareups and ALWAYS keep your lips moisturized. It pays to have a good lip balm.
I'll write another post on my experiences with different lip balms.
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